
gnuplot > help expressions functions

Subtopics available for expressions functions:
    VP                abs               acos              acosh
    airy              arg               asin              asinh
    atan              atan2             atanh             besj0
    besj1             besy0             besy1             cdawson
    ceil              cerf              column            columnhead
    cos               cosh              elliptic          erf
    erfc              erfi              exists            exp
    expint            faddeeva          floor             gamma
    gprintf           hsv2rgb           ibeta             igamma
    imag              int               inverf            invnorm
    lambertw          lgamma            log               log10
    norm              rand              real              sgn
    sin               sinh              sprintf           sqrt
    strcol            strftime          stringcolumn      strlen
    strptime          strstrt           substr            system
    tan               tanh              timecolumn        valid
    value             voigt             word              words

 Arguments to math functions in `gnuplot` can be integer, real, or complex
 unless otherwise noted.  Functions that accept or return angles (e.g. sin(x))
 treat angle values as radians, but this may be changed to degrees using the
 command `set angles`.
これらの関数の中で,実数を引数にすると返却値が実数となる数学関数の plot 一覧を示します.この図を生成するスクリプトは ここにあります