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2797 qt terminal on windows における標準入力
2014/6/13(金)15:26 - kakuto - 42-150-13-212.rev.home.ne.jp - 4517 hit(s)


現在の qt terminal on windows は,標準入力を読めない
サーバ gnuplot_qt.exe が実行されません。

以下のように,qt_term.cpp における関数
int qt_waitforinput(int options)
を wxt_gui.cpp におけるもので置き換えると,
qt terminal on windows でも パイプを使うことが
gnuplot <test.plt
int qt_waitforinput(int options)
における windows に関する部分を書き換える必要が


--- qt_term.cpp.origWed Jun 11 07:28:20 2014
+++ qt_term.cppFri Jun 13 14:55:20 2014
@@ -1020,158 +1020,26 @@
 } while (paused_for_mouse || !FD_ISSET(stdin_fd, &read_fds));
 return getchar();
 #else // Windows console and wgnuplot
-int fd = fileno(stdin);
-HANDLE h[2];// list of handles to wait for
-DWORD idx = 0;// count of handles to wait for and current index
-DWORD idx_stdin = -1;// return value MsgWaitForMultipleObjects for stdin
-DWORD idx_socket = -1;// return value MsgWaitForMultipleObjects for the Qt socket
-DWORD idx_msg = -1;// return value MsgWaitForMultipleObjects for message queue events
-int c = NUL;
-bool waitOK = true;
-bool quitLoop = false;
-#if 0  // Maybe not necessary after all?
-static int nrConcurrentCalls = 0;
-ScopeCounter scopeCounter(nrConcurrentCalls);
-// avoid recursion when check_for_mouse_events() is called as a result of a
-// keypress sent from Qt
-if ((nrConcurrentCalls > 1) && (options == TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING))
+if (options == TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING) {
 return NUL;
-#ifndef WGP_CONSOLE
-if (options != TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING)
-// stdin or console
-if (options != TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING) { // NOTE: change this if used also for the caca terminal
-if (!isatty(fd))
-h[0] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, stdin_pipe_reader, NULL, 0, NULL);
-h[0] = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
-if (h[0] != NULL)
-idx_stdin = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + idx++;
-// Named pipe of QLocalSocket
-if (qt != NULL) {
-h[idx] = (HANDLE) qt->socket.socketDescriptor();
-DWORD flags;
-if (GetHandleInformation(h[idx], &flags) == 0)
-fprintf(stderr, "Error: QtLocalSocket handle is invalid\n");
-idx_socket = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + idx++;
-// Windows Messages
-idx_msg = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + idx; // do not increment count
-// Process any pending message queue events
-do {
-DWORD waitResult = -1;
-#ifndef WGP_CONSOLE
-// Process pending key events of the text console
-if (kbhit() && (options != TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING))
-waitResult = idx_msg;
-// Process pending qt events
-if ((idx_socket != -1) && // (qt != NULL)) &&
-(qt->socket.waitForReadyRead(0)) && (qt->socket.bytesAvailable() >= (int)sizeof(gp_event_t)))
-waitResult = idx_socket; // data already available
-// Wait for a new event 
-if ((waitResult == -1) && (options != TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING))
-waitResult = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(idx, h, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT);  // wait for new data
-if ((waitResult == idx_stdin) && (idx_stdin != -1)) { // console windows or caca terminal (TBD)
-if (!isatty(fd)) {
-DWORD dw;
-GetExitCodeThread(h, &dw);
-c = dw;
-quitLoop = true;
-} else 
-c = ConsoleReadCh();
-if (c != NUL)
-quitLoop = true;
-// Otherwise, this wasn't a key down event and we cycle again
-} else if ((waitResult == idx_socket) && (idx_socket != -1)) { // qt terminal
-// Temporary event for mouse move events. If several consecutive move events
-// are received, only transmit the last one.
-gp_event_t tempEvent;
-tempEvent.type = -1;
-while (qt->socket.bytesAvailable() >= (int)sizeof(gp_event_t)) {
-struct gp_event_t event;
-qt->socket.read((char*) &event, sizeof(gp_event_t));
-// Delay move events
-if (event.type == GE_motion)
-tempEvent = event;
-// Other events. Replay the last move event if present
-else {
-if (tempEvent.type == GE_motion) {
-tempEvent.type = -1;
-if (qt_processTermEvent(&event)) {
-c = NUL; // exit from paused_for_mouse
-quitLoop = true;
-// Replay move event
-if (tempEvent.type == GE_motion)
-} else if (waitResult == idx_msg) {// Text window, windows and wxt terminals
-// process windows message queue events
-if (options == TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING) {
-quitLoop = true;
-} else {
-if (ctrlc_flag) {
-c = '\r';
-quitLoop = true;
-// get key from text window if available
-if (kbhit()) {
-c = getchar();
-quitLoop = true;
-} else { // Time-out or Error
-waitOK = false;
-quitLoop = true;
+} else if (paused_for_mouse) {
+MSG msg;
+BOOL ret;
+/* wait for next event  */
+while ((ret = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0) {
+if (ret == -1)
+if (!paused_for_mouse)
-} while (!quitLoop);
+return NUL;
+} else
+return getch();
-#ifndef WGP_CONSOLE
-if (options != TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING)
-// This happens if neither the qt queue is alive, nor there is a console window.
-if ((options != TERM_ONLY_CHECK_MOUSING) && !waitOK)
-return getchar();
-return c;
 #endif // WIN32
 return getchar();


【2797】 qt terminal on windows における標準入力 2014/6/13(金)15:26 kakuto (5549)
┣【2798】 re(1):qt terminal on windows における標準入力 2014/6/13(金)17:51 松岡 (368)
┣【2799】 re(2):qt terminal on windows における標準入力 2014/6/14(土)07:25 kakuto (568)
┣【2800】 re(3):qt terminal on windows における標準入力 2014/6/14(土)09:14 kakuto (107)
┣【2801】 re(4):qt terminal on windows における標準入力 2014/6/14(土)10:57 松岡 (305)

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