![]() |
set pm3d depth lighting primary 0.4 specular 0.3 set palette defined (\ 0.05 "#ffffff" , 0.15 "#ffffff", 0.15 "#ff3333", 0.25 "#ff3333",\ 0.25 "#33ff33", 0.35 "#33ff33", 0.35 "#3333ff", 0.45 "#3333ff",\ 0.45 "#33cccc", 0.55 "#33cccc", 1.0 "#000000") unset border unset tics unset colorbox unset key L = 1.5 set xrange [-L:L] set yrange [-L:L] set zrange [-L:L] set cbrange [0:1] set xyplane 0 set view 140,120, 1.6 set samples 36 set isosamples 36 set parametric set urange [-pi/36:pi] set vrange [-pi:pi] x(u,v)=sin(u)*cos(v) y(u,v)=sin(u)*sin(v) z(u,v)=cos(u) set macro x="x($1,$2)" y="y($1,$2)" z="z($1,$2)" ### structure of H20 ay = 0.957*sin(104.5*pi/180/2) az = 0.957*cos(104.5*pi/180/2) rH = 1.2*0.25 rO = 1.4*0.5 set term wxt size 360,360 background "#114400" splot \ '++' using (rO*@x):(rO*@y):(rO*@z+az):(0.2) with pm3d,\ '++' using (rH*@x):(rH*@y-ay):(rH*@z):(0.1) with pm3d,\ '++' using (rH*@x):(rH*@y+ay):(rH*@z):(0.1) with pm3d pause -1 set term pngcairo size 360,360 background "#114400" set out "H2O.png" |