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1876 gnuplot 開発者が来日
2008/8/12(火)15:46 - 竹の - nolm01.iee.niit.ac.jp - 2734 hit(s)


現在の gnuplot の主要な開発者である Ethan Merritt さんから以下の

学会に関連のある人、あるいは gnuplot に関心のある方で大阪近辺の方は、

# 私は行けそうにないです

----- ここから -----
From: Ethan Merritt <merritt@u.washington.edu>
To: Shigeharu Takeno <shige@iee.niit.ac.jp>
Subject: Gnuplot developers in Osaka
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:32:06 -0700
Cc: Petr Mikulik <mikulik@physics.muni.cz>


Petr Mikulik and I will both be in Osaka for a conference of the
International Union of Crystallography (国際結晶学連合大会)
starting 23 August.
The conference web site is here:  <http://www.iucr2008.jp>

Of course the conference is not about gnuplot, but we are thinking
that some Japanese gnuplot users are also crystallographers and
therefore will attend the conference.   This is an opportunity to meet
with two gnuplot developers and with other users.

Petr can be contacted by leaving a note at the Czech Republic IUCr 2111
information display booth at the conference.  If people are interested,
we can schedule an informal meeting of gnuplot users at the conference
or at some place with beer. 

Petr has posted this information on the newsgroup, but if you
think it is appropriate, maybe you could also post it to the Japanese
language gnuplot list?

best regards,


Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center
University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742
----- ここまで -----


【1876】 gnuplot 開発者が来日 2008/8/12(火)15:46 竹の (1506)
┣【1877】 re(1):gnuplot 開発者が来日 2008/8/15(金)10:21 松岡 (104)

前の画面〕 〔クリックポイント〕 〔最新の一覧〕 〔全て読んだことにする〕〔全て読んだことにして終了〕 〔終了

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